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Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS)


QRIS is a comprehensive system of supporting quality for providers of early care and education from birth through age 5. Providers participate in this voluntary program, focusing on child development and school readiness, teachers and teaching, and program and environment. Programs complete a process of self-study and external professional review to assist in developing targeted site quality improvement plans.


Keys to Quality Programs:

Keys to Quality Site Ratings Program

Licensed early care and education providers who are in good standing must meet all state requirements for serving children and families. Sites engaged in Keys to Quality have chosen to move beyond state licensing requirements to focus on program development in these identified quality improvement areas: child observation, health & developmental screening, teacher qualifications, teacher-child interactions, ratios & group size, Director qualifications, & care & learning environment. Sites that are rated will provide documentation and receive objective observation related to these areas of professional practice, receiving a score to reflect their progress on the quality improvement tiers.

Keys to Quality Workforce Pathways Stipend Program

Eligible individuals who are working in early learning/child care settings directly with children 0-5, or providing care for a child/children 0-5 can receive a stipend for completing professional development and ECE/CD coursework. In addition for center based care, a site bonus may be earned when at least 50% of the teaching staff, including the site supervisor completes the program.

Interested in participating? Please contact Tonya Byers, Child Care Coordinator at (530) 749-4041 or Erin Gladden, Quality Improvement Specialist at Visit Child Care Planning Council of Yuba & Sutter Counties for more information. 

Contact Us

Tel: 530-822-7505

© 2021 Sutter County

Children & Families Commission

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